Setting Goals In Life
Sat talks about how setting a goal in a very temporary world is like building a house out of cards because it will crumble.
Mandana: All my life I have always set goals for myself. And on this path, I cannot set a goal, but unfortunately I started (trying to) set a goal.
Sat: In life we each have a role to play or a purpose to accomplish. But setting a goal in a very temporary world is like building a house out of cards because it will crumble! But we still have to be active and do what we need to do. But setting a goal, particularly for those of us who are interested in finishing the idea of pain and suffering, then a goal becomes meaningless. It is now that we need to do whatever we need to do, it is not far in the future to accomplish it.
Reno Center
Setting Goals In Life
August 7, 2022