Questions And Answerers Dec 03, 2024
Q&A about effortless meditation, The story of the sweeper, letting go of thoughts and the story, pattern of thinking and reacting, desire, conscious and unconscious activities and just Be meditation.
Question 1: I remember You saying that the problem when we are meditating is we still think we need to put out effort. What is that effort? What does it mean?
Sat: To put in effort because sometimes consciously or unconsciously when we sit down to meditate, we have this wish to have a good meditation or we say to ourselves ‘I would like to do whatever I can to have a deeper meditation, to feel the silence more, I am not going to mix with my thoughts,’ etc. that is all conversation that is happening. Effortless meditation is not really an act of meditation, it is just a State of Being.
In other words, if you decide to sit down and be quiet, just sit down and be quiet. Be quiet means ‘I am aware of silence. I am not aware of the noise.’ That is what it means, it means the natural state. It needs a natural way of doing it, rather than having any type of decision making to make it a certain way. When you are sitting down to have silence and if in the meditation, you have a hard time achieving having your concentration on the silence, then you have to let it go. Be even natural towards that, let the thoughts come, let the thoughts go. That is what is meant.
Question 2: Dear Sat, may I ask You to remind us of the story of the sweeper?
Sat: Throughout My life, I very often hear people say something happened in their life that was not easy and that they had a hard time with it. But then years later, when they look back, they say ‘Oh my God, that really changed the direction of our lives’ or ‘although it was hard, I am glad I went through it because now I feel such an expansion and a different vision of life, the way I see things is different.’ Or, it pushes someone on a spiritual path or self investigation, etc.
The sweeper example is very much about this- meaning when the sweeper is hired to try the meditator to see how ripened he is, he goes through stages of getting angry with his life. You can say ‘with his life,’ of course in the story it is the sweeper. He got angry with the sweeper and then his Guru said ‘You know, you are not ready. Go sit quietly some more.’
Then again, the same thing happened to him, he had matured to a certain extent. He got angry, but not to that extent. The third time, at the reoccurrence of the situation, and everybody does see a recurrence in their lives- whether it is a relationship that doesn’t work or a job that doesn’t work, etc. It is just like having a sweeper, until we mature to the point that we leave a relationship, or we leave our job when we know what the purpose of it was!
We learn through these situations that we have ripened to the point, where we realize anger doesn’t work and what does work is to see that that situation brought expansion for us. We all can come up with many, many sweepers in our lives. Like I said before, we also are hired to be sweepers of other people. That is exactly when we can clearly see that bad is not bad and good is not really good. They each have a purpose in our life.
Question 3: What is the difference between a profitable thought and a thought we should let go of? How can we tell the difference?
Sat: Well, the difference comes when you look at a thought that is repeated and you say ‘enough is enough. I heard you.’ That is something to let go, and the thoughts that are irrelevant to your immediate situation are useless. The thoughts that explain too much, give too many choices and excite you to the point that you cannot calm down, are to be avoided to the extent [that they are being] emphasized. I think each person would realize what hurts and what doesn’t. One is harmless and one is not. One is a great idea and one is not. It all depends on the person and the situation; each time is different.
For Me personally, I dismiss most of My thoughts, of course My situation is different. I don’t have work; I don’t work outside My home. I don’t have to make decisions for other people, although I don’t know sometimes, I do. Most of the thoughts that come I let them pass by. But for those people who do work and do have to make decisions, just make a decision. But leave the story alone! Don’t let any decision stick with you for too long once you have made it.
Adrienne: This was my question and I was wondering if the intuitive thoughts are usually the good ones.
Sat: Of course they are, of course they are. The more you let go of ordinary thought, the more you will have ideas coming from nowhere; you become more creative. To tell the difference between the higher mind sending a brilliant idea or not, it is by watching ourselves. Usually when it comes from a right place, it doesn’t cause too much commotion. We have to know ourselves; we have to get to know the personality and the Divinity in us to see the difference.
Kavi: Can you talk a little more about what it means to make a decision but to let the story go?
Sat: Say you have a decision that you have to make. You can look at it in many ways. In other words, you can give yourself so many do’s and don’ts about it, that it is hard to make that decision. There is one side that says ‘this’ and the other side says ‘that.’ The best way I use and still do- to make a decision [whether it is] for Myself and My family is just to be quiet, not rush to make that decision immediately, and just sit with it for a minute. Believe Me if I tell you that somehow, I cannot explain what happens, but there is an awareness that clears your decision. If you cannot see that clear decision-making, when you do make a decision, you don’t have to dwell on it anymore, you let it go. Does that answer your question?
Kavi: Yes, thank you.
Question 4: In our last chat you said “looking at one self is a must, we must [do that]. No practice takes roots in our consciousness, as long as we still don’t know our pattern of thinking and reacting.”
I am watching my pattern of thinking as much as I can and it has made my practice of Stay more conscious and it has given me more understanding of what I am doing.
When some unpleasant thoughts come, I look at them and the belief that causes them, until they calm down and I feel a contact in my heart.
My question is, is that all that I should do with this practice?
Sat: Yes absolutely, that is all you have to do with this practice. You watch the pattern of your thinking. Watching means just watching, mixing means just mixing. So, when we say ‘watch your behavior of thinking,’ you just watch it and you see that there is something in you that believed it and is being affected by it. Watch that too. Watch the belief system and watch the thought that brought up this belief or reaction. Just watch! Like the questioner was sharing, they both go. As we do that, it gets easier and easier and easier!
Second part: I have found out that the cause of many of my thoughts is one desire that I am so attached to- which I don’t want to let go of. This becomes a repeated thought and I feel that I should work hard to remember who I am, and to stay with that as much as I can. Still though the desire is with me, but the thoughts do subside until they rise again.
How can I improve my understanding? What is the best way to deal with this situation, when the ego doesn’t want to let go? What can convince the ego?
Sat: If you have a desire, go ahead and fulfill it. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a desire. It is when it gets too intense and [there are] too many of them- that takes your peace away. In that case, you say [to yourself] ‘this desire just got fulfilled.’
Say the person wishes to have a great vacation and can’t get rid of this idea. At the same time, they don’t want to have this desire. Just say to yourself that this desire just got fulfilled. Because every fulfilment happens in the mind, and the acceptance of the fulfillment is what gives you joy, not the fulfillment itself. Do you understand what I am saying?
In other words, if you tell yourself that this is already fulfilled, ‘ok, now I can leave myself alone.’ Just because you feel like this was fulfilled, it drops. I have done it so many times with silly things, where I plan something in the mind that sounded fantastic and in then in the end, I say to Myself, ‘Wow, wasn’t that amazing?’ And it never came back again.
Or people around Me know, I go into a store and I try on a beautiful dress, I have passion about fashion and then they say ‘Ok, buy it.’ I say to them ‘No, I already bought it, I am fulfilled.’ I put the clothing back and I come out.
What I am trying to say is every desire, its fulfillment and the satisfaction of its fulfilment is only happening in the mind. We don’t have to accomplish it physically in order to fulfill our desire. It is very hard to understand unless you try it. But if you question it and say to yourself, ‘Ok, I really want a new car, just imagine that I do have the car. Do you feel fulfilled? Oh yes, ok, let’s move on.’ Try that, it works.
Don’t deprive yourself! I don’t want anybody to deprive themselves, spirituality is about freedom, it is not deprivation. But at the same time, we have to learn that desires are cultivated only in these realms and they really don’t add much of anything to anything. But if we want to play the game, we are very free to do that. There is nothing really bad about any of it.
Question 5: After livestream on 11.18.24, someone asks you if one’s conscious activity happens on its own. You reply ‘100%, 100% and it's funny because even your unconscious activity happens by itself, but you think that you are doing it. That's the only difference.’
My question is so regardless of being conscious or unconscious, do activities happen by themselves? What is the difference then between being conscious or unconscious for those activities to happen at these different states?
Would you please elaborate on that?
Sat: When you are conscious, then you are not dreaming. That does not mean you take the responsibility of your action as a doer. It just means that you are conscious, you are awake at this moment, you see things that you would not see a moment ago when you were unconscious. Right now, if for a moment all of us on the phone ask ourselves ‘Are you awake, are you conscious?’ immediately we feel our Presence, we feel this moment like never before. That is all it means.
It is really hard to understand what was said, we get to a point and I know that by experience, where we are very, very aware that life just happens. Some people cannot believe it or they feel like what is the use of the life if it just happens. But it looks even more beautiful and more charming than before, when we didn’t know this truth. We find tranquility and okayness with it and it goes much smoother and much more harmoniously, when we let the life just happen. Being conscious gives it color, it makes it brighter. The life is no longer monotonous, if you are conscious. Because it is not automatic, it is not just happening routinely.
Adrienne: I wanted to say that I can experience what You are saying Sat, when I go outside and I look at nature. If I am conscious, it makes it so much sweeter.
Sat: It really does. When we are conscious, we see the beauty in things because being conscious is Divinity. It is not easy to be conscious at all times, but it is a really good practice to ask ourselves, ‘Am I awake at this moment? Am I conscious?’ Then immediately you feel the peace and okayness all around you, not just within yourself.
First of all, I wanted to say Adrienne, you conducted very well. I really, really liked that after every answer you asked to see if anyone had a continued question about the topic discussed. That gives everybody a chance.
After a few moments She says: Before we go, we can have a few minutes of Just Being, without having to learn anything more or less.
Let’s just feel for a moment our own Perfection at very moment without having anything added to it.
Being awake right now and feeling like there is absolutely no desire that needs to be fulfilled, because it is complete at this moment.
If you have some stuff going on with your body, your mind or your emotions still moving around, let them move.
Just go deeper with your concentration with the eyes open or shut. It makes no difference.
Go beyond all the changes within your own being at this moment.
Feel the okayness.
Just stay with this okayness consciously.
All our prosperity, joy and peace come from the State of our Being, so why not stay with it?
All our intuition comes from the State of our Being, so why not acknowledge it and let go of everything else that is useless, temporary, at best.
USA Chat
December 03, 2024