Questions & Answers With Sat August 01, 2024
Discussion on Inner Self, Being near to Guru, Grace of Guru, Assertiveness, Be conscious of Consciousness and Genuineness.
Question 1: Is it possible to experience inner silence while leading a life filled with social interactions?
Sat: It is not easy at all until our attention and our realization is attached to the reality of who we are and the silence within us, more than wanting to be entertained or mixed. When the mind begins to cooperate in a way that it is saying “silence is not boring, silence is good, I don’t have to talk at all times …” is when the accomplishment of having silence while you are in the world becomes easier and easier. Otherwise, if you tell that to ordinary people without a background, it is going to be impossible. This is why we have a sitting meditation; this is why we learn to have a passive gaze, to prepare us for being able to have silence even while in activity.
Let’s face it, many, many lifetimes, it is not even countable, we had wrong information and a wrong tendency toward going “out”. Yes, you can accomplish it if you are a really, really serious seeker and try daily to tap within, or to be reminded of your silence between every activity. It is possible at that point, there is a crack in the tendencies to open up a pathway for more and more opening. So patience is needed and faith in your highest desire is needed.
Question 2: How can one become dearer and dearer to the Guide or Guru as a devotee?
Sat: The Guru is as close to you as you feel close to the Guru- period! If you put distance between you and your Guru, there is a distance between you and your Guru. When you remove the distance between you and your Guru, then that is where you feel that you are dear to and near to, until there is a final mergence and there is neither you nor the Guru. It is just awareness of just Being, Being without any separation and that is the goal of life that we are all trying to achieve!
Question 3: How can we attract the grace of the Guru?
Sat: It is a very, very good question. I honestly think that every time we go into silence with the intention of closeness, we tap that inner grace. Every time we do a loving, selfless act, we are attracting the grace. Every time we feel a tremendous love towards our Guru, it charms the Guru. It really does charm the Guru, to release that energy of Grace.
But ultimately, we come to know that the Grace and our Being are not separate, not our being as an individual, but our Being as the Totality. The Grace is absolutely not separate in any way. So, in the phase of separation, sincere prayer, sincere practice, a sincere this type of thing, really helps. But again, I would like to take our attention to the ultimate, which is that as the Totality we are what we call as an individual, “Grace.”
Question 4: What is the relationship between assertiveness and the ego? Does assertiveness lead to self-confidence? How is assertiveness perceived in spirituality? What are the potential impacts on others when we assert ourselves?
Sat: Do you mean persistence?
Adrienne: Assertiveness. Does the person who asked this question want to explain this more?
Anitha: That is my question.
Sat: Go ahead, what do you mean by assertiveness?
Anitha: Sometimes there are some situations in your life that you have to stand up for your thoughts. But is there any relationship between ego and asserting my own personal opinion onto a situation?
Sat: Any type of an opinion to assert in a situation comes from an individual- which is fine. Your Reality does not need to assert Itself. So, you are asking as an individual “is it okay to assert yourself?” Sure, in some situations it is okay and in some situations it backfires. You have to be intuitive enough to see when is it the right place to push and when is it the right place to pull back your opinion. Most of the time if we ask ourselves “what do I know about this situation that I am trying to prove something?” we find out that we really know very little.
I would say it depends on the situation. And is it the ego? Yes, all of our activity is ego- the good, the bad, the holy. And that is because the thinker is doing it and the thinker is the ego.
Our attention should not go so much on do’s and don’ts of the thinker, but to transcend the thinker by saying “I am not just the thinker,” by going into a tranquility of the Self and getting awareness of different wisdom.
Question 5: When You say “Be conscious of Consciousness,” what is the Consciousness that we should be aware of?
Sat: “Be conscious of your Consciousness” means be just purely … it is obvious. I think the words might even mess it up. When you are conscious of other things, for instance right now I am looking at the lake and the trees. I am conscious of those. My Consciousness is not beholding purity of emptiness. I am aware of and conscious of all these things. When all the senses turn back inward, then you are conscious of unlimited Consciousness without contents. And that is our reality. If you want to know what your reality is without words, that would be it!
As a human we have a choice, we have a choice to send it out and entertain the thinker and the body and the mind- which is totally fine. But to have the knowledge that if you turn it back, you will be conscious of the Pure Consciousness, which we call God- it is another secret of life that we each need to know!
At any time that you have a hardship or something is making you fearful or uncomfortable, if you take your attention, including all your five senses to the Pure Consciousness, being Conscious of your Consciousness, they all vanish because there are no contents in it- there are no objects in it, there is no belief system in it, there is no memory in it!
This is the strength of that meditation that we do. It is very important news to be honest with you.
Adrienne: Sat, can You please explain a little more what it means to turn the senses inward? I am thinking of the five senses.
Sat: Why don’t I do that with you just now? If I tell you to bring your attention nowhere and Just Be, with the eyes open or closed, it doesn’t matter. Bring your attention nowhere! (Pauses) immediately your mind stops, the thinker vanishes. That is being Conscious of your Consciousness, there is nothing specific there. Let’s do it again and then you tell Me what your experience is.
Take your attention nowhere! (Remains silent)
Tell Me, what you experienced Adrienne.
Adrienne: This is the first time I tried it with my eyes open. My eyes lost focus and I didn’t pay any attention to what I was seeing for a few split seconds, and I felt bigger.
Sat: Yes, now I want you to do it again. This time don’t give your attention to anything; that does not mean that your eyes do not see what is in front of them, it is just giving your attention to nothing while the eyes see, and you will feel that everything turns to yourself but it is the Self that is empty.
Adrienne: Yes, I felt the energy turn back to myself in a way.
Sat says enthusiastically: Yes, yes, this is being Conscious of the Consciousness without “this” and “that.” If anyone has any questions about this, we can discuss it longer.
Adrienne: I had never tried so hard to rein in my senses as I just did now and I could really feel it, or to just ignore them or disengage from them.
Sat: Yes. It happens automatically when you turn your attention to nowhere, then you realize the vastness of you without any effort. It was very, very effortless. Effort at times does the opposite of what you want to accomplish and that is because effort is the mind. You can remind yourself of “I have the possibility to do this practice, but then that is where your effort stops. It is just staying with the attention nowhere and of course at that time it turns to your Existence, but we are not to concentrating on that at this time..
What I mean is keep your attention on nowhere and automatically when we do that, we go to our own Existence but we are not going to concentrate on finding the Existence at this time. Just have your attention on nowhere.
Question 6: What is genuineness? How can we make sure that our actions or our words are genuine? Can we recognize genuineness in others?
Sat: Genuineness does not mean that you always have to be kind, loving and a goody-two-shoes. Genuine means that your thoughts, words and deeds are in line with each other. In other words, there is a sincerity there of the purity of heart, and I don’t know how to explain it- really.
We are the first person to be able to tell when we are not genuine, and we continue not being [genuine] in certain situations. I think we can be the best judge of our own genuineness or not- by seeing our own sincerity and the harmony between the thoughts, words and deeds. But again, don’t get stuck on genuineness, I think it is going to take many, many lifetimes to reform our crook personalities, but let’s just transcend it as often as we can.
Adrienne: Thank You so much Sat.
Sat: Thank you, you did very well, thank you. Namaste to all of you guys.
USA Chat
August 01, 2024