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Is God In The Maya?

Sat discusses God without a concept. She explains that If you see through realization that there is an Existence without concept, name and form, then you can name it God. In reality, the feeling of love rises from God and the God is the object of it.

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Nilu: Is God also in maya?

Sat: Yes and no! The God that we talk about day to day and humanity talks about is a concept of God, it is not God! So, I would say no! What one thinks of God being is not what God is. But if you take the name of God as an ordinary concept of people, and see through realization that there is an Existence without concept, name and form, then there is God! You can name it God. Because when you sleep at night, there is no God, so the God was born in your mind as an entity while you are living in the daytime because of information you got from other people.
But because you sleep at night and still you exist, even if we are dead we still exist as That, then yes, God is! So, it all depends on the level of realization, not even understanding, realization of who one is- to that extent we can understand God.
Just contemplate as I am talking, each person that has devotion to God whether with form or without form, they feel some sort of joy from that love in their heart. It inspires them. Why? Because God is the Self, is That which exists but we give the credit to [the] outside. But in reality, that feeling of love rises from God and the God is the object of it. I don’t know if everybody can understand what I am saying as I am saying it. It is truly a realization, so I don’t know, if you bring the realization to words, [whether]you can understand it or not. I don’t know, anyway, that’s that!

US Chat
April 5, 2022

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