Does Every Body Know what Is “I AM”?
Sat elaborates on the two quotes from Jesus in the Bible mentioned in Her Christmas message from 2020 and then leads the group in a mediation on “I am”.
Sat: Today is Christmas Eve and I was inspired to talk about Jesus the Christ, I am not a Christian, I am not religious, I have not read the Bible, but intuitively, the phrases I have heard throughout My life, that Jesus has said, has been opening up the more mystical meaning of it, automatically, without taking thought. So, I thought this is a good occasion to give a little bit of understanding to Jesus Christ, not as what the religion has presented Him to the world, but what He truly was, as My intuition revealed to Me.
Religion through the lens of ego, ‘I know somebody and I am someone’ has presented Him as an idol or son of God, or this and that, and I don’t think He was any of what is being taught in churches and places of religion. As a truly realized human being, which at one point, a human being was not even there, He gave a few very significant points.
‘I am the way, the light and the Truth’
When He says ‘I am the way, the light and the Truth’, He was indicating that the ‘I am’- that consciousness that says ‘I am’ in each one of us is the way. Meaning that if we realize that who we really are as ‘I am’ is no different than what He was and what the Father was, we realize that we are not the personality, we are not the ego, we are not the thoughts, we are not even the body or emotions and feelings.
He did not say ‘I am this and that’, He just said to get to the Source of our own Being is through ‘I am’. Now, humanity takes this ‘I am’ to be this body, or this profession or this bank account, or the title of being a mother, a father, a son, a daughter or this and that. But the ‘I am’ as a pure Beingness is the way to recognize and realize ourselves.
So, the ‘I am’ is the key. And ‘I am’, if it is purely held onto, will take us to the immense silence of the mind. And that is the origin or the nature of who we were and we are, before the polluted ideas penetrated and covered it.
Kavi: When He said, ‘I am the way, the light and the Truth,’ He was indicating that the ‘I am’- that consciousness that says ‘I am’ in each one of us- is the way. Meaning that if we realize who we really are as ‘I am,’ which is no different than what He was and what the Father was, we realize that we are not the personality, we are not the ego, we are not the thoughts, we are not even the body or emotions and feelings.
Kavi: Does anyone have anything that really jumped out of them they wanted to share about?
Bliss: I have a question. Every time that we do Stop Meditation or we use a tool and the mind gets silent and there are no more thoughts even for one second, are we experiencing ‘I am’ in that moment?
Sat: I don’t know how to explain it except for you guys to just follow what I am saying, and maybe you get to the same place. Yes, when the mind drops, there is a silence, but the ‘I am’ in that silence, it has a lot of joy, a lot of ananda, bliss. There is an awareness that is one with the silence, that’s the closest I can say, I don’t know how to explain it. I am sure you guys will experience it yourself.
Mansour: My dear Sat, once I asked you the difference between feeling connected and experiencing oneness. I never forget Your answer. You said “Mansour has to go away.” I believe that is what we are talking about, is that correct?
Sat: Yes, thank you, yes.
-Kavi reads the following from the same passage by Sat:
“So, the ‘I am’ is the key, and ‘I am,’ if it is purely held onto, will take us to the immense silence of the mind, and that is the origin or the nature of who we were and we are, before the polluted ideas penetrated and covered it.”
Sat: Does everybody know what this ‘I am’ is?
-Everyone remains silent.
Sat laughs and says: Well, do you or you don’t?
Bliss: We are not sure! (Everyone laughs)
Sat: Alright, let’s with the eyes open or shut, find the silence.
I am sure it is not that far from each of us.
Bring your gaze downward.
Now, instead of looking and feeling the silence, see if you are the silence! There is a very subtle feeling of existence that is made out of this silence.
And if you cannot realize it, just say one time very quietly inwardly ‘I’ or ‘I am’.
And you find yourself as a Presence or a Witness.
It is not tangible. You have to become familiar with it.
Everything is quiet but there is this vague non-form feeling of being, Presence.
(Remains silent for a few minutes)
If you sort of have a glimpse of that being yourself, hold on to it, meaning the attention stays there.
(Remains silent)
You absolutely cannot have a thought and that at the same time.
Stay with it, it is not tangible the way the mind is used to, but it is very obvious if you know of it- that is the Self.
If it starts to fade away, say again ‘I am’ or ‘I’ and look inward.
(Remains silent)
Stay with it!
By practicing this way, you become aware of this presence beyond the ego and identification with the mind.
Of course, it is a silence, but it is a present silence.
(Remains silent)
Did any of you feel anything beyond feeling?
Some one says Yes.
Sat: Good
Sat: Kavi jan, go with the second part of the passage in the audio.
The second part of the audio is played:
“He also says ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’ or ‘the Kingdom of heaven’ as I have heard, He does not say, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is without you,’ He says ‘It’s within you.’ What is this ‘within?’ Meaning that the five senses constantly want to reach out and get information, ideas and turn it to beliefs and acceptance and cover up this Kingdom.
‘The Kingdom of God is within you’ means your true Home, your true treasure house, it is in silence, when the ‘I am’ is released of all titles and positions. And that is an empty mind, an empty mind is one with the Truth.”
-Kavi reads the following:
“He does not say, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is without you,’ He says ‘It’s within you.’ What is this ‘within?’ Meaning that the five senses constantly want to reach out and get information, ideas and turn it to beliefs and acceptance and cover up this Kingdom.”
What is your experience or understanding of this Truth?
Adrienne: When I was doing this meditation and I said ‘I am’, I kept adding on ‘I am the way, the truth and the light’ and I don’t know if it’s because I have heard it so much but it just blew me away every time I said that to myself. I got this feeling that we are supposed to say that to ourselves; it’s not someone else like Sat said, it’s not you, it’s not Jesus. The ‘I am’ is what we are supposed to learn from that maybe.
Sat: No it’s not maybe, it’s definite, that is what it is. Daily the personality finds fault with itself, daily it finds limitation, daily it finds judgment of itself. When in your meditation you said ‘I am the way, I am the light… I am this and that…’ For the first time you felt the joy because for the first time you finally told the truth to yourself, finally you had enough courage to say ‘wait a minute … the other way didn’t work out … (chuckles) maybe this is the way that it’s going to work out.’
Like I said, Baba told Me many times that I should admit who I am, not as a personality, to say that I am God. But it is hard to do it unless you understand who you are not! You are beginning to see that you are not your thoughts. You have been going Home enough to your silence to see that that never moves, while everything else around you and within you moves. Even the cells move and regenerate, etc.
The wisdom, mixed with practical application of it, takes us to where we want to go. It really does. There is not one realized being that I have read [about] and been with that do not emphasize that the way to the Self is the removal of the self. And that’s by knowledge, that’s by realizing that who we thought ourselves to be is much more limiting and makes us struggle and unhappy compared to who we really are. It is time for us to really take the other side, take the side of God. And it takes time, it is not an overnight thing because the tendencies are so strong throughout many lifetimes. But that is what satsang is for, keeping each other’s company, or keeping your silence company to sort of break this being hypnotized. And look how happy you felt just by saying that and meaning it (referring to Adrienne). You meant it, you didn’t say Jesus was the only person like this. Because even [if] we give it to Jesus, we are belittling Jesus because He was All as a realized being.
Reno Center
April 17, 2022