Christmas Series-The Mystical Meaning of Jesus Christ’s Message Parts 4&5
In honor of Christmas, Sat discusses the more mystical meaning behind several of Jesus Christ’s teachings that She received intuitively.
I think to review what Jesus said over two thousand years ago and to know that we are renewing it in our teaching is very inspiring. It also gives us more confidence to know that what we are doing, that the Truth that is coming into the visible place through Me, through your ears, through the universe, is what was said throughout the ages. It was said over two thousand years ago, it was said five thousand years ago and it is being recycled again through many men and women who are ready to share that.
We are one of those people whose number is up; that we have the capacity to go back Home. the interest to stay on the path and the desire to hold on to what is Truth and to let go of what is not at any cost!
Part 4:" Let the Little Children Come to Me." Dec 25, 2018
Now, "Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as them."
"Let the little children come to Me," does He mean little children in size? "Let the little children come to Me" means let those who have released their concepts and their beliefs and their dream, and have become their original state, to come to Me. Come to who? To "Me" again, who is that "Me?" Only God knows God!
"And do not hinder"… what does "hinder" mean here? "Hinder" here means that if you want God, if you want to know yourSelf, let go of yourself, do not hinder yourSelf. It is like I used to say, "If you want peace, don’t disturb peace and do not go with the thoughts that do not bring you peace, if you want God, don’t disturb God, if you want an empty mind, quit thinking, do not go with thoughts." When we go with thoughts, we are no longer desiring an empty mind. If we are going with our un-peaceful thoughts, we are no longer desiring peace. If we want God and we are hindering our path to God, we no longer really want God!
"Do not hinder them," what is "them" here? Your own purity, the child in you, your origin, do not hinder your origin! "For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as them." Or we can say that the Truth belongs to them.
Now in some parts of the bible it says "kingdom of heaven" and in other parts it says "kingdom of God." Where does “heaven” refer to? It refers to where there are no disturbances. Where there are no disturbances, there are no thoughts. So, once you don’t hinder the child, you are in the state of thoughtless-ness, emptiness, silence!
The child symbolizes the purity of who we were before we started dreaming, our original state!
It is a beautiful day to contemplate on what was said today and to live a life that no matter what situation we are in, we can go deeper. Otherwise, I don’t know how you guys feel, but for Me it is meaningless, unless the true meaning of "I am" is injected in our veins without disturbances of titles, false beliefs, misunderstandings, concepts and acceptance.
I wish all the humanity to have a chance to wake up if they can, including ourselves. That is My wish!
Part 5: "Be Still and Know That I Am God." Dec 24, 2020
Another saying of Jesus that I have heard again is "Be still and know that I am God." "Be still, Be still," meaning that let (leave) the thinking behind you and just Be. Be still and know, meaning the knowing automatically happens when you are still. It doesn’t say, "Be still and search and strive" it just says, "Be still and know." It’s a fact that when you are still, you know that the "I am is God," meaning your Existence is God. Your beingness is God, why? Because there is only Beingness and Existence, without the Beingness and Existence, none of this Maya would be in motion. That is the base, the base is always silence, like the canvas is the silence, but the colors are moving on the brush of an artist. Like the piano is silence, but without a piano, a pianist could not make music.
So, "Be still.” Stillness is where our heart is, where our Home is. “And know,” - it’s a fact. It doesn’t say "you will know" or "please know," it says, "Be still and know." I would even take the "and" away from it, "Be still, know I am, I am is God."
"I am so and so" is ego. Pure "I am" is God, so this is another of His deep wisdom. So all we have to do is Be still and we know at that time that "I am" is God ...
What was said this morning needs a bit of contemplation and giving it understanding and realizing that the normal life, it is so far from normal: striving, searching, struggling, becoming, it is far from the simplicity of "I am." And for one moment, one instant, if we can just sit and let go of all our positions, ideas, and titles, we are the pure "I am." "I am the way" is a big sign saying Oneness is through pure "I am;" "I am" is the way to realize that "I and my Father are one."
So, this is the message, the mystical message of Jesus Christ, meaning the pure consciousness. "I am" is Being, without being this or that. And this is the goal of life, to realize and uncover what is us and what is ours, from beginning-less to endless Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
Merry Christmas to all, and may each of us realize our Oneness, and free ourselves of imprisonment of the mind and body, while we are embodied. Namaste to all.